M0XX 101924 - Let this be the life cover

Let This Be The Life

Written by Marian Sophia Carreon • Board by Miaka Byonne Cha | 20 October 24

“Maybe in another life,” I ponder, a sigh escaping my lips as I stare at another dream lost, another flame dimmed, another plan foiled by the mismatch of time and fate. And there I find solace in the idea of a multiverse existing, where I did not have to bear the weight of the lives I did not live, the roads I did not take. 

Out there in the vast expanse of existence, there lies a version of me that chose passion over practicality. One that chose freedom over duty, vulnerability over solitude. In another realm, perhaps I would’ve come home to the warmth of a sanctuary, where money was never a problem and the future was never an uncertainty. Never would have doubt trampled on my hopes, nor would have anxiety cast a shadow on every step I took.

Somewhere in some world, I would have done everything right where there were only victories, not losses– where the weight of regret never lingered within my soul’s crevices.

Was it a resigned consolation… or was it guilt? Its heavy footsteps echoing and dragging through the quiet corners of a heart that longs for the alternate dimensions flickering beyond reach. But in the multiverse of what could have been, there is only one that mattered: my very own reality. 

A narrative that solely belongs to me, and in the choice of whether to continue or let go, I decide that my dreams are something worth keeping. Amidst the lives I regret not living, there is still beauty and joy in the rugged fields of today even if it’s far from the landscapes I was dreaming. 

Each decision, each moment may have branched out in different directions, different conclusions; however, I realize that this singular journey is all the chances I truly have. And with this one life I face with both hope and fear, I utter to the skies as if a prayer- yearning for the guidance and favor of the universe:

“Let this be the life where I chase my passions fearlessly.”

“Let this be the life where I find courage in uncertainty.”

“Let this be the life where I create my own destiny.”